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Brand new and improved exercise videos now available for members - request sign-up and get started. A variety of subscriptions available.

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A collection of safe and effective exercise videos including resistance and aerobic exercises.

Before completing any exercise routine be sure to familiarise yourself with levels of exertion (information in blog) and to read through all exercise notices that appear before the activities within the videos, feel free to pause at any stage.

*If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising to a light-moderate exertion or you are aware of any changes in your medical circumstances i.e. new or changing symptoms or medications then please refrain from activities until this has been raised with the instructor or GP.


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Image by Pawel Czerwinski


Push-Up Bars


5-10 minute circuits

Suitable for those:

- who wish to supplement current exercise routine

- who are in a hurry short on time

- who struggle to complete 15 minutes of standing exercise

- who want to work their way up towards more standing structured exercise

With limiting Heart Failure (HF)

Image by Gabin Vallet




Upright Rows (weights) 2 Sets 10-20 Reps
And The Beat Goes On

Upright Rows (weights) 2 Sets 10-20 Reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. This exercise helps to condition the muscles in the arms, shoulders and upper back (trapezius) -Complete this exercise standing -Pick up your chosen light weight. Weights are optional. Ensure you can complete at least 10 repetitions, lower weight if you cannot. -From standing position, turn palms to face body at hip width apart -Keeping hands close to the body at all times, draw them up slowly and allow your elbows to flare out to the side up to a maximum of shoulder height. -Exhale through this motion keeping core strong and standing tall. -After a small hold, release slowly back to starting position whilst inhaling. -Do not arch your back -Move your feet during the exercise If after 1 or 2 sets you think you have had enough skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arms, shoulders and back. Strengthening these muscles helps to cope with daily activities like pushing, pulling, lifting and reaching for objects. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Tricep Kickbacks (Weights) 2 Sets - 10-20 reps
And The Beat Goes On

Tricep Kickbacks (Weights) 2 Sets - 10-20 reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. The following exercise is Tricep Kickbacks / Elbow Extensions - using weights This exercise helps to condition the muscles towards the back of the upper arm but also works shoulders. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving throughout. -Hold on to your light weights (You should be able to lift at least 10 times in a row). With palms facing inwards bend elbows to 90 degrees keeping close to the body. -Set feet hip width apart, keeping back straight, kink your hips back slightly Elbows at shoulder width -Extend the elbows keeping them tucked into your side, feel the muscles at the back of your arm contract as you lengthen the arm – exhale. -Then, flex at the elbow, still keeping them close to your side whilst inhaling. Stabilise this movement by holding shoulders in place throughout. -Wiggle your toes throughout and be sure to move feet in between sets. If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets, skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arm. Strengthening your arms helps to cope with daily activities like pushing and reaching for objects. Example, pushing off from a chair to stand up or pushing a door open. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Lateral Raises (Weights) 2 Sets - 10-20 Reps
And The Beat Goes On

Lateral Raises (Weights) 2 Sets - 10-20 Reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. This exercise helps to condition the muscles in the shoulders. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving throughout where possible -Pick up your chosen light weights (you should be able to complete at least 10 reps) -With palms facing inwards and resting around front pocket area of upper legs - soften elbow joints slights (bringing a small flexion) -Slowly raise arms from shoulders keeping elbows almost fully extended (bring more flexion if the exercise feels too hard) Raise elbows no higher than shoulder height. -Exhale during this phase. Stand strong – engaging the core facing forwards. -Release slowly back to starting position whilst inhaling. -If you feel your form is deteriorating or you are arching your back with the weight, either reduce weight or complete movement without any. -Move feet throughout If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets, skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arms and shoulders. Strengthening this area helps to cope with daily activities like pushing lifting and reaching for objects. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Bicep curls (Weights) 2 Sets - 10-20 Reps
And The Beat Goes On

Bicep curls (Weights) 2 Sets - 10-20 Reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. Bicep curls help to condition the muscles in the front of the upper arm and strengthens the shoulder. If completed with the correct form and posture your core will also get a light workout too. This muscle group is key to daily activities such as lifting and pulling objects. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving where possible. Remember weights are always optional. -Take hold weights (You should be able to lift these at least 10 times without stopping - they are too heavy if you cannot) -Turn palms upwards (supinate) -With elbows to the side, slowly bend your elbows, bringing your forearms up. Exhale whilst you complete this motion - keeping elbows in place. -Then - gently extend your elbows (straighten your arm) to return your arms to their starting position whilst inhaling. Control the movement up and down, taking a few seconds for each repetition. If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets, skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area strengthens the upper and lower arm and shoulder bones. It also helps to improve grip strength. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises. There are also some key safety points to be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.


Forward raises (bands) 2 sets 10-20 Reps
And The Beat Goes On

Forward raises (bands) 2 sets 10-20 Reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. 1 This exercise mainly helps to condition the muscles in the front of the shoulders (anterior deltoids) but also the biceps, and trapezius in the upper back. If working both arms simultaneously as this video demonstrates your core will be activated to keep you steady and tall. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving throughout where possible -If seated, start and end the movement with hands just touching thighs, just above the knees. -Pick up your chosen light weights (you should be able to complete at least 10 reps) -If the weight is too heavy or you find lifting both arms tough, revert to a lighter weight and/or alternate work on each arm. -With palms facing inwards and arms resting around around shoulder width apart - soften elbow joints slights (bringing a small flexion) -Slowly raise arms from shoulders keeping elbows almost fully extended (bring more flexion if the exercise feels too hard) Raise arms no higher than shoulder height whilst exhaling and standing strong – engaging the core facing forwards. -Release slowly back to starting position whilst inhaling. -If you feel your form is deteriorating or you are arching your back, either reduce weight or complete movement without any additional weight. -Move feet throughout If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets, skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arms, shoulders, chest and back. Strengthening these muscles groups helps to cope with daily activities like pushing, pulling, lifting and reaching for objects. 3 This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video.
Tricep Extensions (Bands)
And The Beat Goes On

Tricep Extensions (Bands)

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for those in cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. This exercise helps to condition the muscles in the back of the upper arms and shoulders. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving throughout where possible -Hold onto band with both hands shoulder width apart, palms up. Bring on hand across the body and hold your shoulder securing the band here. -With the other hand grip the band and with your elbow below the shoulder at 90 degrees, adjust the band to a comfortable position, this is your starting point. -Exhale as you extend the arm down by your side straightening the elbow whilst the the other hands stays in place securing the band at the shoulder. -After full extension slowly release the tension of the band and allow your elbow bend whilst inhaling. -Move feet throughout -If you cannot Fully extend the arm down then release the tension slightly or use a lighter band. If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets, skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arms and shoulders. Strengthening these muscles helps to cope with daily activities like pushing, pulling, lifting and reaching for objects. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Upright Rows (Bands) 2 to 4 Sets 10-20 Reps
And The Beat Goes On

Upright Rows (Bands) 2 to 4 Sets 10-20 Reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. This exercise helps to condition the muscles in the arms, shoulders and the upper back (trapezius) -Complete this exercise in a standing position -Anchor the middle of the band with one foot, standing in a sturdy stacked position (one foot slightly in front of the other at shoulder width apart -If you cannot complete 10 repetitions at this tension, use an easier band or release the band from one hand and complete the exercises one side at a time. -Hold onto band with both hands around hip width apart, palms should face towards the front of your body. -Keeping hands close to the body at all times, draw them up slowly and allow your elbows to flare out to the side up to a maximum of shoulder height, do not worry if you cannot get this high due to mobility or limitations. However, if you cannot get this high because of resistance of the band, please use a different one or try with weights instead. (a separate video) -Exhale through this motion keeping core strong standing tall. -After a small hold, release slowly back to starting position whilst inhaling. -Do not arch your back -Move feet at the end of each set. If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets skip to the end and complete the stretches, we aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arms and shoulders and back. Stronger arms, shoulders and back help to better cope with daily activities like pushing, pulling, lifting and reaching for objects. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Upper Back Strengthener (Bands) 2 to 4 sets - 10-20 reps
And The Beat Goes On

Upper Back Strengthener (Bands) 2 to 4 sets - 10-20 reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation. This exercise helps to condition the muscles in the upper back including the trapezius but also works shoulders and arms. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving throughout. -Lay band across palms (a few inches apart) -Elbows tucked to sides and flexed at around 90 degrees -Grip the band and pull apart to shoulder width while exhaling then retract shoulders until the band lightly touches the stomach -Exhale as you pull the band apart and retract shoulders -You should be able to feel your shoulder blades move closer together. -Hold for 2-3 seconds and then return forward and release. If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets, skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the spine and shoulder bones. Strengthening your back and shoulders could also help to improve your posture. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Bow & Arrows (Bands) 2 to 4 sets - 10 to 20 reps
And The Beat Goes On

Bow & Arrows (Bands) 2 to 4 sets - 10 to 20 reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. This exercise helps to condition the muscles in the arms and shoulders. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving throughout where possible -Hold onto band with both hands around shoulder width apart. Bring arms out in front with palms down. -Keeping one arm straight, draw the other arm back at the elbow at shoulder height. Hand should draw back close to the shoulder. Imagine archery. -Exhale through this motion keeping core strong, sitting or standing tall. -After a small hold, release slowly back to starting position whilst inhaling. -Do not arch your back -Move feet throughout -If you cannot draw the hand back close to the shoulder then release the tension slightly or use a lighter band. If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets, skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arms and shoulders. Strengthening these muscles helps to cope with daily activities like pushing, pulling, lifting and reaching for objects. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Chest pushes (Bands) 2 to 4 sets - 10 to 20 reps
And The Beat Goes On

Chest pushes (Bands) 2 to 4 sets - 10 to 20 reps

Basic stand alone resistance exercises suitable for cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. This exercise helps to condition the muscles in the arms, chest and shoulders. Strengthening these muscles can help build strength back in the chest post-surgery. -You can complete this exercise both seated and standing, keep feet moving throughout where possible -Bring the band behind the back and under the arm pits to hold in front, elbows at 90 degrees. -With palms facing inwards and at shoulder width apart, stand or sit upright – slowly push arms forward at shoulder height as you exhale -Reach forward until you are just short of full extension in the elbows -After a small hold at the top, release slowly back to starting position whilst inhaling. -Maintain a good tall posture throughout – do not arch your back -Move feet throughout -If you cannot extend arms fully forward then reduce resistance in the band or use alternative lighter band. If you think you have had enough after 1 or 2 sets skip to the end and complete the stretches. We aim for between 1-4 sets of 10-20 repetitions. Progress gradually over several weeks. Adding resistance work to this area helps to strengthen the bones in your arms, chest and shoulders. Strengthening these muscle groups helps to cope with daily activities like lifting, pushing, and reaching for objects. This video has 3 sets, if you want to complete a fourth then follow the same structure before stretching. At the end of this video there is some helpful information on how to progress with resistance exercises and key safety points to always be aware of. *If you know of any reason why you should not be exercising or you think your condition has changed speak to your GP before completing any exercise video. Thanks.
Image by dylan nolte

Low Volume Hight Intensity Training (HIIT)

2. Resistance Bands
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1. Weights
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3. Moderate Intensity Exercise Circuit (Interval)
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