Secondary Prevention Cardiac Risk Questionnaire
QRisk is a questionnaire that those who have not suffered a cardiac event can use to understand their cardiovascular 10 year risk score... Unfortunately there is no such questionnaire for secondary prevention available to predict risk in this way as such but by asking yourself the following questions and keeping track you will help to manage "modifiable" risk factors. Take a look!
Purpose: To assess and monitor risk factors in cardiac rehab patients for tailored secondary prevention strategies.
Instructions: Answer honestly—your rehab team will use this to support your heart health goals. Takes ~3-5 minutes.
1. Blood Pressure (BP)
Q: Do you check your BP at home weekly?
☐ Yes mmHg) ☐ No
HR -
Why: Target <130/80 mmHg reduces heart strain (NICE/AHA).
Help/Resources: NHS Blood Pressure Guide (; BHF BP Monitors (; ask your GP or rehab team for a monitor loan.
2. Lipids (Cholesterol)
Q: Are your latest cholesterol results known and within target
Total Cholesterol <4.0
HDL >1.0
(LDL <1.8 (1.4) mmol/L)
Triglyceride <1.7 mmol/L
☐ Yes (LDL: ___ mmol/L) ☐ No ☐ Don’t know
☐ Yes (HDL: ___ mmol/L) ☐ No ☐ Don’t know
☐ Yes (Total Cholesterol: ___ mmol/L) ☐ No ☐ Don’t know
☐ Yes (Triglycerides: ___ mmol/L) ☐ No ☐ Don’t know
Why: High LDL drives plaque growth (BHF/AHA).
Help/Resources: BHF Cholesterol Advice (; NHS Lipid Clinics; request a lipid test via GP.
3. Smoking Status
Q: Do you currently smoke or vape?
☐ No ☐ Yes (___ cigarettes/day) ☐ Quit (<1 year ago)
Why: Smoking ups risk 50% post-event (AHA).
Help/Resources: NHS Stop Smoking Services (; Smokefree App; call 0300 123 1044.
4. Alcohol Intake
Q: How many alcoholic drinks do you have per week?
☐ 0-7 ☐ 8-14 ☐ 15+
Why: >7 drinks/week risks BP issues (CDC).
Help/Resources: Drinkaware (; NHS Alcohol Support (; talk to your rehab nurse.
5. Sleep Habits
Q: Do you get 7-9 hours of sleep most nights?
☐ Yes ☐ No (Avg: ___ hours)
Why: Poor sleep (<6 or >9) ups risk 15% (NIH).
Help/Resources: NHS Sleep Tips (; BHF Sleep Guide (; CPFT Sleep Support (
6. Diet
Q: Do you eat 5+ servings of fruits/veggies and limit processed foods most days?
☐ Yes ☐ No
Why: Mediterranean diet cuts risk 20% (BHF).
Help/Resources: BHF Recipes (; NHS Eat Well (; dietitian referral via GP.
7. Physical Activity
Q: Do you do 150+ minutes of moderate exercise (e.g., brisk walking) weekly?
☐ Yes ☐ No (Avg: ___ min/week)
Why: Exercise slashes risk 25% (ACSM/BACPR)
Help/Resources: BHF Activity Plans (; NHS Fitness Studio (; rehab class schedules.
8. Stress Levels
Q: Do you feel stressed or anxious most days?
☐ No ☐ Yes (1-10, 10 = max: ___)
Why: Chronic stress ups risk 20% (NIH).
Help/Resources: CPFT Talking Therapies (, 0300 300 0055); BHF Stress Tips (; NHS Every Mind Matters (
9. Medication Adherence
Q: Do you take your heart meds (e.g., statins, beta-blockers) as prescribed daily?
☐ Yes ☐ No (Miss ___ doses/week)
Why: Adherence cuts death risk 20% (NICE).
Help/Resources: NHS Medicines Info (; BHF Meds Guide (; pharmacy reminders via GP.
10. Weight Status
Q: Is your BMI in a healthy range (18.5-25), or are you working on it?
☐ Yes (BMI: ___) ☐ No ☐ Don’t know
Why: Obesity (BMI >30) ups risk 30% (AHA).
Help/Resources: NHS Weight Loss Plan (; BHF Weight Tips (; rehab dietitian.
11. Diabetes Control (if applicable)
Q: If diabetic, is your HbA1c <53 mmol/mol (or as per your doc)?
☐ Yes (HbA1c: ___ mmol/mol) ☐ No ☐ N/A
Why: Poor control doubles risk (NIH). Note: 53 mmol/mol = ~7% in old units.
Help/Resources: Diabetes UK (; NHS Diabetes Support (; GP diabetes clinic.
12. Mental Health
Q: Do you feel down or hopeless most days?
☐ No ☐ Yes (1-10, 10 = max: ___)
Why: Depression ups risk 20% (AHA).
Help/Resources: CPFT Talking Therapies (, 0300 300 0055); NHS Mental Health (; Mind (, 0300 123 3393).
13. Social Support
Q: Do you have people to lean on for support?
☐ Yes ☐ No
Why: Isolation ups risk 15% (NIH).
Help/Resources: BHF Support Groups (; CPFT Community Services (; local rehab class peers.