Everyones safety is my first priority. Take a look below to ensure we are well prepped and ready to attend a class.
*Before starting your exercise session please ensure that you have advised the person in charge if you have:
- Any change in symptoms e.g. new or worsening chest pain or breathlessness.
- Any changes in medication or new side effects to medication.
- Any test results e.g.blood pressure, blood sugars or blood cholesterol.
- Any new or worsening joint problems e.g. back or knee pain
- Any general feelings of being unwell e.g. fever, sore throat.
*During your exercise session please tell the person in charge if you experience:
- Any angina, chest discomfort or dizziness
- Any joint problems
- Any general feelings of being unwell
If you have been prescribed GTN, please bring it to the class (or have it nearby for online classes) even if you do not use it on a regular basis
Always exercise at a level that represents exertion without discomfort.
* If you have progressed to exercising on your own, you should also go through this checklist and if you have answered yes to any of these questions you should inform your BACPR instructor immediately before proceeding.

British Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (BACPR) (2016) Exercise Programming and Prescription, Fourth Edition, London