There are many benefits to exercise and physical activity and the inclusion to both should be considered in any recovery / rehabilitation from either a recent cardiac event or diagnosis.

Physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of CHD by up to 35% - (UK Chief Medical Officers, PA Guidelines 2019), it has real life benefits to best outcomes, longevity and to quality of life. On top of this many other conditions can be prevented / risk reduced by becoming active more frequently. There are some fundamental approaches worth considering to adopt in any exercise regime that you begin and a good place to start is community exercise or group exercise classes.
Many localities offer community based cardiac rehabilitation classes/programs. These can be accessed via a hospital based program (on completion of..) and/or a GP referral.
Generally cardiac rehabilitation and the introduction of exercise post event or diagnosis will also depend on the persons specific background / procedure. General information is freely available via the link below: exercise classes
The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Cardiovascular Rehabilitation is a professional network of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. This may provide some answers to any questions you have on returning to exercise and activities that you love.
If you have further questions regarding your specific situation feel free to get get in touch via the chat. Alternatively if you want to create a discussion and are already a member then post your question to others who maybe have had similar experiences.
All the best!